First internatonal addition to #ThePack2021!

4 lata temu | 04.01.2021, 10:34
First internatonal addition to #ThePack2021!

The beginning of the first European League of Football I getting closer and closer season, therefore we are not slowing down in terms of physical and tactical preparation, meanwhile not forgetting about organizational part of the process.

We would like to officially introduce you to the first international #ThePack2021 member. This time, our support will not perform on the field, you will see him working from our sideline.

Brett Rosenbaum- welcome to the family Coach!

Nowości na rozpoczęcie roku! Przedstawiamy Wam oficjalnie pierwszego nowego członka #ThePack2021. Tym razem,...

Opublikowany przez Panthers Wrocław Piątek, 1 stycznia 2021

In order to introduce you to our Linebacker and Special Formations coach we asked him few questions:

Why did you choose to join the Panthers?

From the first conversation I had with Coach Samel, I quickly saw that he led a programme which was building an "elite sporting environment".  An organization with professionalism from management, coaches, and players partnered by ambitious sponsors.  I had always heard and read about the Panthers through the years, and it is a privilege to become part of the programme.  I truly believe that Football can excel and achieve a new level of performance in Poland and Europe with organizations like the Panthers, and the ELF as a platform to showcase the talented players Wroclaw has.  European sport in general has a growth and development mentality towards sport performance, and marrying that with Football experiences from the USA, will produce the best of both for American Football.  

How would you describe your playing and coaching style?

When I played the sport as an "import" throughout Europe, I was a workhorse, played both sides of the ball and special teams.  I will admit, I was not the fastest or strongest, but I worked relentlessly and as efficiently as I could.  I played way beyond my potential, culminating in the Arena Football League.  My coaching style mirrors this mentality, it is based on development, not "Ra-Ra" coaching.  I don't need high fives, or gimmicks, sledge hammers, or big chains, buzz words nor flashy social media that college coaches and "Instagram" coaching thrives on.  The "ra-ra" needs to only come from the fans for the players at the end of a win, whilst I happily walk my way into the locker room.

I believe any player can learn and develop, their top end potential may not be amazing, but very few people ever reach their limit, so excellence in the most part, is due to relentless effort and focus.  In the US, many coaches think and believe players are "born" to be tacklers, or "nasty" players.  I believe, "nasty" players, build relentless aggression through dedicated reps, they become amazing tacklers, through tireless focus on the small details, where they place the shoulder on the ball carrier, how they realign their hips, do they sink the hands on the ball carrier, how they finish the tackle. In doing so, after becoming masters of the small details, it would seem to many, the player is a "born tackler".

What can the team and the fans expect from you?

For the Team, I will be focused on producing fundamental excellence, if you master one skill, then we develop another.  For the fans, you may not see me much at all, but what you will see instead is the players, making tackles, being loud through their hits, and aggressive in their block destruction.  I will be on the sideline working, helping the players win their matchups, hunting down the ball carrier, like the Panther hunting its prey.

Before joining Panthers, coach Rosenbaum used to collect his coaching experience in three first NCAA Divisions, as a coach of Great Britain Lions National Team and also in multiple teams in Great Britain and Finland.
